Optimize Video Encoding

How to Optimize Video Encoding

Latest Video Encoding Workflows that Improve Quality and Sustainability

Features of Axinom Encoding & VisualOn Optimizer
Intro to the new encoding workflow
Encoding optimization
Perks of optimizing an encoding workflow
Data-level comparison of optimized vs. non-optimized video

Discover the benefits of optimized video encoding. This whitepaper overviews the recent integration of Axinom Encoding and VisualOn Optimizer. Optimize your digital videos and costs — with only a few clicks!

By choosing to process your media with optimized Axinom Encoding, you will cut costs in data storage & transfer, as well as build a greener workflow.

Get started today, request a free trial in the live chat below!

Why You Should Read This Whitepaper

Benefits illustration

Learn how optimization benefits OTT platforms and end users

Comparsion illustration

See comparisons between optimized media (UHD, HD, LIVE)

Synergy illustration

Find how VisualOn Optimizer and Axinom Encoding work together

Receive the whitepaper straight to your inbox — it’s free!

Encoding in progress