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Axinom Sync

Axinom Sync is a secure bidirectional data synchronization system built on standardized communication protocols and channels. Through an on-ground and on-board component, the Sync service ensures trouble-free data exchange between aerospace and mobility vessels and the ground servers.

It manages all aspects of content synchronization, handling interruptions, prioritizing important data, and controlling data transfer costs. Axinom Sync supports all kinds of pipelines for synchronization (WiFi, 4G, 5G, satellite networks, or mass-storage devices like USB, SD, SSD, laptops, tablets, etc.)

Robust and secure transfer icon

Robust and secure transfer

Ensures the highest security when synchronizing data. Both data and services are encrypted on the fly reliably to ensure secure data transfer both ways.

 Data-type agnostic icon

Data-type agnostic

No limitations on types of content and data that can be synchronized. It can be digital services for IoT, IFEC content, operational data, passenger data, shop items, and more.

Bidirectional data flow icon

Bidirectional data flow

Supports bidirectional data transfer. The backchannel handles any kind of data generated on the on-board or home server, like system health data, payment data, etc.

Incremental updates icon

Incremental updates

Reduces the amount of data and time needed for transfers by comparing content sets and updating only the differences.

Interruption management icon

Interruption management

Handles interruptions seamlessly by allowing the use of synchronized data on-board while continuing updates as soon as connectivity is available.

Data redundancy and recovery icon

Data redundancy and recovery

Extends the safety of the data from accidental corruption or loss through redundancy by storing multiple versions of the data in separate places or on different servers.

How it Works
Axinom Sync

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