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Next-Gen Connectivity Portals
for Enhanced Passenger Experience

Axinom On-Board Cloud enables airlines to build and manage their own connectivity portals that work seamlessly across various hardware and options, reducing development effort and time to market. You can control your development roadmap and offer enhanced loyalty programs with further ancillary services and bespoke entertainment. With vast experience and industry collaborations, Axinom is ready to elevate your connectivity experience.

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Why own your connectivity portals?

Passengers love onboard connectivity. It's not just a service; it's an opportunity for you as an airline or provider to craft a unique and engaging passenger experience.

Over the years Axinom has worked with numerous companies in the aviation industry to achieve the following:

Leveraging Connectivity for Loyalty Programs icon

Leveraging Connectivity for Loyalty Programs

Building custom portals which provide free Wi-Fi to boost loyalty program sign-ups.

Enhance Passenger Experience icon

Enhance Passenger Experience

Ensuring convenient connectivity while offering rich services like Live TV, entertainment, destination guides etc.

Control Your Roadmap icon

Control Your Roadmap

Maintain full control over the features and integrations of your connectivity portal e.g. ERP, PSS etc.

Unified Connectivity icon

Unified Connectivity

Deploy a consistent connectivity experience across your entire fleet, irrespective of the hardware or connectivity provider.

Why Axinom On-Board Cloud?

  • Total Control
    Maintain total control from on-ground service orchestration to deployment on-board.
  • Hybrid Approach
    Utilize an edge caching approach that prepositions some resources and components on-board and dynamic data via internet connectivity.
  • Customized Solution
    Tailor your portals to accommodate the individual needs of the customer. This includes both back- and front-end components.
  • Agnostic Architecture
    On-board software components are hardware-agnostic and can utilize any pre-existing or new on-board server - portable or mounted.

Axinom aerospace solutions are used by some of the industry's biggest names. We focus on delivering tailored connectivity portals and IFE solutions that meet your unique needs.

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